Gordian Business

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Negotiators need to be agile and adaptive in 2015

I have recently attended the new executive business school at the University of Technology (UTS).

The Dr Chau Chak Wing Building is the first building in Australia designed by Frank Gehry, one of the world’s most influential architects. The building is a key element of the $1 billion redevelopment of the University City Campus and provides teaching, learning, research and office space for UTS Business School.

A growing, learning organism with many branches of thought.
Frank Gehry

UTS Business School takes a practical and integrative approach to business education. The school prepares students for a world that demands more than specialist expertise in a particular discipline. It aims to produce graduates capable of ‘integrative thinking’, who can combine traditional business skills with those from disciplines such as design and engineering. The Executive Education programs are an integral part of UTS Business School addressing the issues that disrupt business operations of today.

I have been approached a couple of times in the last couple of weeks for information on where clients can attend public programs on Negotiation. We are pleased to announce that we are presenting these programs now through UTS, for both Strategic Negotiating Skill for Leaders and Strategic Account Management.

Brochure on Strategic Negotiating Skills for Leaders

Brochure on Strategic Account Management