Gordian Business

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Why bother managing accounts strategically?

If you are not already managing accounts strategically, you have just one question: Why bother?

Knowing Strategic Account Management (SAM) is a competitive advantage to some companies is interesting. However, the key question for you is, can SAM help your business compete and deliver better results? So, to help you decide is SAM can help you, this first chapter of the 'Managing B2B customers you can't afford to lose' book explores the changes that mean Strategic Account Management is becoming critical. Examining the symptoms of change, the drivers of change, the barriers to change and the benefits of change.

Click here to read the first chapter.

Here are some questions to help you determine your need for SAM:

  1. What changes are occurring in your marketplace affecting your customers and your competition?
  2. Is your organisation changing fast enough to respond to these changes?
  3. Are you managing your most important accounts strategically or operationally?
  4. Are you focused only on short-term results or long-term results too? (How would your staff answer?)
  5. Are you focused only on improving your business results, or your account's business results?

To purchase a full copy of the book email: mail@gordianbusiness.com.au or order your ebook here.