Gordian Business

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Solving Impossible Business Problems

One of the purposes of the Gordian Blog is to help busy managers in fast-growing or mature organizations solve business problems faster. Over the coming months, the blog will look at tools and insights to get better business results faster.

Why are there more impossible problems…because we are all under pressure to do more with less: more with less people, more with less time, more with less money. Whatever kind of organisation we work for we are expected to improve productivity every year. We are expected to produce more with less people, to find new ways of working that need less people. The pace of business keeps getting faster and our customers expect us to deliver faster and respond faster. So, we are expected to find new ways to deliver more in less time. Finally, budgets never keep pace with the growth in demand, so we need to deliver more with less money.

Impossible problems are often associated with key customers: how to persuade customers you can’t afford to lose and how to negotiate with customers you can’t afford to lose. In account management, there are also many challenges negotiating and persuading people inside your organization. So, we will discuss solving some of the problems of persuading and negotiating with your colleagues too.

When we talk about improving and doing more, we don’t mean improving a little by say 10-15%. Typically, we need dramatic improvements on productivity and we cannot achieve this by doing the same but just a little better. When we worked with a manufacturing company using our Solve Your Impossible Problem process, in just 60 days they improved performance of a poor process from 30% to 94%.

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If there’s a business problem you want to solve, let us know and we will write a post with tools and insight to help you solve your business problem faster. As you finish reading this post, just what are your biggest business problems?