Customer Research & Surveys
We don’t just deliver reports, we deliver results.
In changing markets we help global clients to implement recommendations to improve customer relationships. We work fast, so by working with Gordian, you will get better results, faster.
We have extensive experience with both customer surveys and C-Suite interviews.
Customer Surveys & NPS (Net Promoter Score)
Our team are experienced executives and so we understand that the purpose of a survey is not to just collect data but to identify what action is required. So, we construct surveys that will produce recommendations that can be implemented by specific managers within the organisation. This involves a careful choice of questions – the wording and the type of questions – and careful choice of demographics.
Surveys provide organisations with the opportunity to health check their relationships and strategically position themselves by discovering what customers' value and aligning performance with expectations. A survey is an excellent way to gain insight into your market, and then direct resources, time and money to high-value activities.
Surveys provided by a third party such as Gordian Business provide opportunities for respondents to give anonymous feedback. This freedom provides more honest feedback and builds more robust relationships.
People usually appreciate the opportunity to give feedback. The survey process itself is known to increase loyalty, as customers' realise their opinion is valued and the company cares about the impression it makes. Involving the customer in the decision-making process allows them to feel an important part of the business.
Gordian Business has extensive experience in conducting surveys for both small and large organisations across a range of industries. Unlike most of our competitors, we customise our surveys to target specific customers.
Advantages of conducting a customised survey:
· Identify your company's strengths and weaknesses
· Direct resources to high value activities
· Make decisions using real data
· Show prospects data that illustrates your company's strengths
· Identify and target performance gaps
“The first step in exceeding your customer’s expectations is to know those expectations.”
Examples of our Surveys
Gordian Business is experienced in creating professional online surveys that generate high-impact data. Data from internal or external surveys or both allows for better decisions to be made. Examples of recent surveys include:
Survey process
Our normal survey process includes the following steps.
Preparing the Survey:
1. Briefing by the client
2. Interview some of the client’s staff
3. Interview some of the client’s customers
4. Create draft questions
5. Test questions on client staff
6. Test questions on client’s customers
7. Draft letter from client executives to maximise survey responses
Surveying and reporting:
8. Issue full survey
9. Leave survey open for 2 weeks
10. Send reminders to encourage maximum response
11. Analyse survey data
12. Produce report
13. Present findings to executive team