Focus on Growth
In the current economic climate, with reduced budgets and increased competitive pressure, growth is getting harder. However, companies that stand out from their competitors are still managing to grow. How can you grow better?
how can we grow by managing our customers better?
Your customers have become more sophisticated in their buying strategies. Customer’s decisions involve more people than before; decisions may involve procurement, technical specialists and executives. For you to win the business, operational approval is necessary but no longer sufficient.
Sustainable organic growth needs a deep understanding of key stakeholders and strategic customers. Rethinking and adapting approaches for your portfolio of key stakeholders and strategic customers is imperative.
Here’s some information on Managing your Top Customers Better that will help you.
how can you grow by managing value better?
Your competitors are fighting more aggressively for business. You need to deliver organic growth without new and exciting products.
Delivering sustainable growth needs a shift to focusing on value. However, for many people, value is too fluffy and too vague. You need a value proposition based on real evidence. Technical evidence and operational evidence showing Return on Investment that connects with decision makers and buyers across the spectrum. Companies that harness the real meaning of value are growing faster than their nearest competitors and increasing their share of wallet with their top customers.
Here’s some information on Value that will help you.
how can we grow and defend on price?
Price is always an issue because you have to sell on price or value.
In the digital technology industry, any differences between products and services can be difficult for the customer to see. So, most of the time your customer is looking to buy on price. To make price just part of the issue rather than the main focus, you need to sell on value. Value that your customers can see and understand.
Here’s some information on Price Pressure that will help you.