Gordian Business

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The Power of Team Negotiations

How to Make them Work

By Stephen Kozicki

In today's global B2B marketplace, negotiations are becoming more complex. Negotiation skills are a core competency of every successful team member. It is the avenue to sustainable business growth, cohesive teams, strong business relationships and commercial value.

With increased complexity comes the need for more team negotiations. But team negotiations can be fraught with difficulties.

In more complex team negotiations the need for each individual to fully understand their own role as well as the team goals is crucial. The team leader needs to assign people based on individual skills and their ability to work in your team dynamic.

The process of a team is fast moving and ever changing so you must be aware of the signs of trouble. At the first sign of trouble you need to take the appropriate action that works best for the whole team. Be creative and make your next team negotiation a success.

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