Should innovation be left to your creative teams?
“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because... they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things. ”
Innovation is not just about ‘out of the box’, ‘blue-sky’ solutions. Sure, we need to use some right-brain thinking to free our imaginations and find creative answers. But, you need to match this with a left-brain process and hard work. Organisations can do a great job and spend lots of time solving the wrong problem. So, it’s important to take the time to understand the real problem that needs to be solved and to make sure the real problem is well defined. How do you define your problems?
Define the problem
Before you start to solve your problem, ensure that it is well defined. What scale is your problem? (How much and how long?) What time-scale does it need resolving in? Be specific, get down to the detail and make sure that everyone in the process fully understands. Extra time spent at this stage of the process will save a lot of wasted time and effort later in the project.
How do you solve the problem?
“The solution to a problem can sometimes come from the most unlikely sources, and it’s often the intersection of different fields that results in major innovations.”
Companies succeed at innovation when they assemble diverse teams from all areas of the business, and get them to work together to solve a problem. A diverse mix of people will provide a wider range of experience and therefore a wider range of solutions. How diverse are your problem-solving groups?
Here is where you need to ensure you engage your right brain in your idea stimulation. Use methods that encourage the right side of your brain, use images, quotes and questions. At this stage, you need to gather as many ideas as possible, record them all – even the really ‘out-there’ solutions. Sometimes, these ‘out-there’ solutions lead to the most productive actions.
Which solution is the right one?
When you define the problem well and you use a process with a diverse set of people to find solutions – there is never a shortage of ideas. But when there are so many options, how do you decide which one you will adopt? Now the left brain needs to take over again, with a process that defines the parameters for your solution – however be unreasonable with the time you allow for this part. The extra pressure can help you prune the ideas that don’t suit your parameters.
Once you have decided on the solution you need to sell this solution. You need to get other people involved in your project that weren’t involved in the decision-making process. For the solution to resonate with your audience you need to tap into their emotions to make an experience that makes them feel. Tell your audience a story, where they (or someone just like them) are the main character, draw them into the experience, make them feel something. When was the last time you felt emotional during a sales pitch?